
English Access

Microscholarship Program

2015-2016 Program

We are excited to announce openings for a Teacher and Teacher Assistant positions for the English Access Microscholarship Program (Access Program) in the Secondary Municipal School “Koco Racin” in Veles, starting in January 2016. The English Access Microscholarship Program is a two-year program, supported by the U.S. Department of State, to provide a foundation of English language and personal development skills to talented, economically disadvantaged students (15-18 years old). Since its inception in 2004, about 95,000 students in more than 85 countries have participated in the Access Program. Students who participate in the Access Program will learn about the U.S. culture and democratic values, build personal development skills, and participate in community service initiatives through enhancement activities.

The Access Program is supported by the U.S. Embassy Macedonia and implemented by the Macedonian Civic Education Center (MCEC). This is the first year that the Access Program will be implemented in Macedonia.

1. Call for Applications for a Teacher and Teacher Assistant

We are calling for applications for a Teacher and Teacher Assistant who will be responsible for organizing and holding after-school classes, enhancement activities, and intensive sessions in the course of the two years of the Access Program. The Teacher and Teacher Assistant will provide four hours of instruction per week after school or on weekends and will be compensated on a monthly basis. The total number of hours of after-school instruction and intensive sessions over the course of the two years is 360 hours. Below, please find the qualifications and duties of the Teacher and Teacher Assistant for the Access Program..

2. Qualifications

Teacher and Teacher Assistant qualifications include:

  • University Degree with the qualification “English Language Teacher” preferred, but not required. If no teaching degree presented, relevant experience in working with youth is requested.
  • Advanced level of English required (roughly equivalent to a score of 550 on the TOEFL ITP or a B2 on the Cambridge University’s First Certificate Examination);
  • Strong desire and motivation to work with Access students for two years;
  • Availability to hold Access classes after school on weekdays or weekends, and attend intensive sessions during summer;
  • Creative and innovative approach in developing lesson plans and organizing classes;
  • Good knowledge of U.S. society and culture;
  • Good computer skills (Microsoft Office Suite) and willingness to use technology (photos, videos, Prezi, etc.) and social media (Facebook, Instagram).

3. Duties

Teacher responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:

  • Selecting appropriate textbooks and materials that reach the program objectives;
  • Developing a course syllabus that clearly outlines class topics and expectations of the students;
  • Developing and implementing quality lesson plans according to the Access Program objectives;
  • Holding classes and conducting enhancement activities in accordance with the schedule and curriculum approved by the U.S. Embassy Macedonia and MCEC;
  • Designing evaluation materials to properly assess students’ progress against benchmarks established at the start of the program;
  • Conducting student assessments on a regular basis;
  • Submitting progress reports according to the schedule established by MCEC;
  • Ensuring student portfolios are filed, accessible, and frequently updated;
  • Monitoring and regularly updating students’ attendance;
  • Developing, planning, and implementing enhancement activities according to the Access Program objectives and duties listed above;
  • Ensuring the health and safety of the students during planned classes and activities;
  • Seeking to improve methodological and pedagogical skills through participation in seminars, visiting lessons of experienced colleagues, and self-education

Teaching Assistant responsibilities may include but are not limited to:

  • Assisting the teacher in the duties and responsibilities listed above, as required.
  • Providing additional assistance to lower-level students, as required.
  • Providing supplemental activities for higher-level students who have completed assigned tasks ahead of time.
  • Assisting to ensure the course runs smoothly and successfully.

4. Application submission

Interested teachers should submit the following:

  • Application form
  • CV
  • Copy of university diploma
  • Copy of TOEFL ITP score or equivalent, if available
  • Certificates for additional English language courses
  • Certificates of participation in similar projects, conferences, and trainings
  • Creative lesson plan/concept on the theme of American Cinema.

Applicants called in for interview will be asked to demonstrate part of the class to the interviewing committee.

The documents should be submitted in electronic form by December 27, 2015, 24:00 to the following e-mail: [email protected]. Interviews will be held in Skopje on December 29, 2015. If you have any questions regarding the application process, contact Erlin Agich: 070225284.

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